Here at iBraryGuy, we are news hounds. Our days begin and end with the latest headlines from across the library and information world. We literally live on our newsfeeds! As such, we know just how difficult it can be to sort through the crush of internet news services to find the truly “good” stuff. Thus, we have been on a mission to make it easier for you – our fellow information professionals. Regardles of where in the spectrum of this industry you fall, iBraryGuy’s customized news services have you covered. Librarians, information professionals, publishers, knowledge managers, archivists, and so on . . . we have striven to bring you the best of news and blogs with the following offerings:
Libraries, Information, and Knowledge Management News at Google News: Using the pioneering news customization functions at Google, iBraryGuy’s editors sat down and customized a news section especially for librarians and information professionals. This section is designed to search across Google’s wide array of news sources to bring you articles of interest to our profession. Articles, videos, and even images . . . it is all there. All you have to do is subscribe!LibraryVibes at Netvibes is an awesome service for tracking the blogs and news sources you enjoy most. The iBraryGuy editing team recently sat down with lists of the top rated blogs and sites for library, information, and technology news and created a central Netvibes site to hold them all. Check out LibraryVibes for all the best blogs and news sources in our industry. There is a tab for library news, one for tech news, and even one for more general news. A truly unique one-stop shop!Books at While this is not one of our creations, the Books topic list at AllTop is still a resource we like to share. Yes, iBraryGuy is on AllTop’s list of best blogs for readers and book lovers. However, so are many other great sources for the latest goings-on in the book and publishing world. The iBraryGuy team is working to convince AllTop to create a topic for libraries and information. In the meantime, we are honored to be featured here.
A great deal of work and library-love have gone into creating and maintaining these resources. We hope you will enjoy them and invite your feedback on how we can make them even better! Please let us know what you think. And please SHARE these links with your colleagues. In our profession, USE is the highest form of flattery!