Here at iBraryGuy, we are ever amazed at the cool and innovative ways various sites are making aggregation of blogs and newsfeeds possible. From widgets to feed lists, these sites keep trying to one-up each other in the war to make following the deluge of feeds easier. By now you know that iBraryGuy editing team are news addicts. We follow more blogs, tweet streams, and newsfeeds than we can count. It is no easy feat! Suffice it to say that we are always on the lookout for tools that can make our lives (and our news addiction) easier. Our newest find, and a really refreshing one at that, is .Collected.
.Collected is a sweet new service designed to make it easier to gather feeds and news into manageable collections that you can follow and share with others. It actually gathers all kinds of feeds. Blogs, Twitter streams, Flickr feeds . . . just about any stream or feed that uses RSS, Atom, or XML. With .Collected, you can even easily export your collection to a favorite reader. It is a cinch to set up and the interface makes it a pleasure to read. You can share collections you create via e-mail, Twitter, and even Facebook.
In our testing of .Collected, we got so hooked that we actually went hog-wild on the library and info blogs and feeds. You can enjoy Librarians.Collected today by simply clicking here. As always, we invited you to share it with your colleagues!