It is certainly no secret that America’s libraries have been hit by the economic downtown. They have been hit hard. The media and the internet are constantly buzzing about library cutbacks and closings. It is almost overwhelming to try to keep up with it all. Yet, there is no greater sense of urgency that can be had than by seeing the full picture. Only in seeing the full picture can we truly estimate the staggering weight of the consequences. Losing Libraries is just the site you need to get a sense of how America’s libraries have been affected by the economic chaos. Special thanks go out to reader Ty Webb (@tywebb75 on Twitter) for turning us on to today’s site.
Losing Libraries is a simple, stark site that delivers a powerful message. America’s libraries are suffering and they are suffering everywhere. The interactive map shows you which libraries have been affected and how. The icons show whether there have been cuts, furloughs, closings or more. You can zoom in and move around the map to get a sense of what is happening far and wide to our nation’s libraries. You can also use Losing Libraries to report what is happening to your own libraries. The “Link Roll” takes you directly to sites that are fighting the good fight when it comes to our endangered stacks.
The picture that Losing Libraries paints is not a pretty one. It is a wake up call to all who support and believe in the necessity of libraries. It is not about a story here and there. It is the aggregation of what is happening across the United States. If libraries are important to you, get involved in the push to maintain them today…before one of those icons is sitting on the location of your local library. Share this site with friends and colleagues. There is still time to change the map!