When you need help getting something done, finding reliable assistance can be a real problem. You can ask family and friends. But how many of us have been let down by the well-intentioned? You can hire through a professional services provider. But that can be expensive. Yes, you can also post something on a basic internet bulletin board. But how can you be sure the folks answering your ads are safe and trustworthy? With everything that could wrong, there is some real credence to the notion that you are better off doing things yourself. Luckily, you do not have to, thanks to the folks at TaskRabbit.
TaskRabbit is a site that let’s you get the help you need from safe, reliable, vetted individuals. No task is too small or too silly. You post what you need done and how much you are willing to pay and the site’s corps of “TaskRabbits” will literally bid to do your bidding. And just who are these folks, you might be wondering. Well, according to the site:
Every TaskRabbit goes through our application process, which includes a video screening and a multilayered background check.
TaskRabbits and TaskPosters use their real identities online, so everyone knows who they’re dealing with. TaskRabbits are also reviewed and rated on the Tasks they complete, so it’s easy to ensure that good TaskRabbits are always busy.
We recently used TaskRabbit to get help moving some heavy items of furniture. They guys who took the job were friendly, came prepared, and were very enthusiastic about their work with the site. It was an amazing experience to say the least.
There are even smartphone apps that let you post tasks while you are on the go. Can it get any easier?