Our daily Twitter newsletter, formerly known as the Librariana Daily, is growing, getting better, and taking on a new name. We are excited to announce the launch of The Daily INFOrmant!
Collecting news and opinions from hundreds of sources every day, The Daily INFOrmant is designed to help you keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening in our industry. This new take on our old newsletter is more focused and accessible than ever before. Even more importantly, it IS CURATED! That means that we will be watching daily to make sure that what you are getting speaking directly to what you do as information professionals. We will be constantly adding, eliminating and tweaking the feeds that make up our content. The Daily INFOrmant is also now being published in a much more visually appealing format. So please let us know what you think.
You can subscribe to The Daily INFOrmant via e-mail or follow our RSS feed. Of course, all new editions are announced via the iBraryGuy Twitterfeed as well.
Please note: If you find your feed showing up in The Daily INFOrmant and do not wish to do so, please let us know right away and we will immediately block it from being culled.