If you work in the legal field, there is no doubt you have experienced working with PACER; it’s the interface that enables users to access and file federal court documents. DkT (available here) is a brand new app that puts an easily-navigable, streamlined mobile user interface on top of PACER, enabling users to access documents via their mobile devices. PACER does have its own mobile interface, but DkT has design features that clearly separate it as a better option for users, including:
- Saves and encrypts the user’s name and password, so users don’t have to log-in every time they wish to use PACER
- Enables users to save documents, so users don’t have to pay PACER fees to access the same document multiple times
- Enables docket bookmarking, so users don’t have to pay PACER fees to access the same docket multiple times
- If a user wishes to update a bookmarked docket, they can do so and will only have to pay for downloading the new entries, rather than the entire docket
The app is free, ad-free, and was developed by Matthew Zorn; it’s an impressive example of a single, solo programmer putting in the effort to upgrade a user interface. According to the excellent iPhone J.D. review (available here), Zorn, having used open source code himself, even made the app open source to aid future programmers. This app is a wonderful improvement on the mobile PACER interface, and is highly recommended by us!