From On Firmer Ground:

Recently while speaking at the Ark Group’s Best Practices & Management Strategies for Law Firm Library & Information Service Centers conference in New York, I said something that seemed to really resonate with the audience. I was talking about methods for driving resource utilization and optimization, when I shared my opinion that there is little room in the law firm information industry for passive librarians. What we need to survive and thrive as a profession, I postulated, are true activist librarians. Judging by the discussion after my presentation and the tweets I saw online, my point hit home.
Continue Reading iBraryGuy Talks about Activist Librarians!

It is certainly no secret that America’s libraries have been hit by the economic downtown.  They have been hit hard.  The media and the internet are constantly buzzing about library cutbacks and closings.  It is almost overwhelming to try to keep up with it all.  Yet, there is no greater sense of urgency that can