As a foodie and home chef, I am almost ashamed to say that I have stopped buying cookbooks.  I used to love and treasure them.  But with so many recipes available online these days, it almost seems a waste to spend the money.  Of course, some are indispensable and I have my favorites with which

The social relevance of search results took on new importance today as Google announced a fresg revamp of its social search features.  To quote the company’s Project Management Director Mike Cassidy on Google’s blog, “[R]elevance isn’t just about pages—it’s also about relationships.”  Google is leveraging those relationships by bringing an even greater social emphasis

Does that fact that running the same search on different search engines often results in wildly different results bother you?  It bothers us at iBraryGuy.  If you are like us, you probably will run an important search in various search engines just to make sure you did not miss anything.  This can be both cumbersome

Google unveiled a brand new look for its industry-dominating search engine yesterday.  The new 3-Column format is designed to make filtering searches and drilling down results easier than ever.  Some folks are praising the new interface.  Others, if you are following the comments on the various news feeds and blogs, are outraged and want their

There are many good sites out there to help you find people. From specialty search sites to major search engines to social networks, information on individuals is plentiful on the internet.  What sets Spokeo apart from most of the standard people search sites is that it brings all of this scattered, public information together in